Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

10 Weird Facts You Never Knew About Apple Company .. know it now

Apple is one of the top American manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer software products. It is a multinational company was established in Cupertino, California, in the first of April in 1976, There are a lot of hidden truths and exotic about the company, millions of users of its products do not know it,  read it in this list. 
1 - iPad retina display, 70% of it has been devised by Samsung, originally. 
2 - If you smoking near the Apple ensure paper , it will be destroyed. 
3 - Apple has more than 80 thousand employees around the world. 
4 - employees on Apple their average income is estimated about 125 thousand dollars a year. 
5 - In 2012, Apple was able to sell more than 340 thousand phone  "iPhone" daily. 
6 - Apple earns about 300000 $ per minute. 
7 - One of the founders of the company sold  his shares for $ 800, a value that could have been estimated at 35 billion dollars now. 
8 - all of the information you enter on "Siri", and the  browser on your iPhone, Apple add it to it's knowledge and save it in the database. 
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